Hello, Cas' students!
Cas sends her apologies for not being here today. She was sick with strep during the holidays and wants to be fully recovered before coming to work.
Please use the Internet to find out:
- What were the biggest and most interesting news stories of 2011?
- What are some predictions for 2012?
If you come across words you don't know, please look them up using
Wordnik. This is a good website to learn to use. Call me over if you need help. After you try Wordnik, you can use other online dictionaries as well.
Take some notes. Be prepared to discuss your findings in class tomorrow.
Otherwise, you are welcome to use any English language software, the Canada software, or any website to practice English. There are many choices in my sidebar (look on the right and also scroll down).
I'm not sure it will work on these computers, but let's try to use a site called
todaysmeet.com. This website should allow us to create temporary chat rooms where we can write messages to one another. Call me over and I will help. Of course you may only chat in English!
Last night I created a chat room. You can go there by visiting
Happy new year!