Thursday, May 23, 2019

Between Presentations and Travel

Hello, students of the seniors' class!

We are finishing up our module on nutrition labels. We are learning how to give feedback that is kind, specific, and helpful. Next we will learn a bit about planning summer travel by train.

Here is a video about making a presentation that is not boring.

Here is the contact information for CAA in Windsor.

Visti the VIA Rail website to see where you can go on the train this summer.

Some students could use practice with vowel sounds. Is this interesting to you?

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Reading Nutrition Labels

This is an excellent video to reinforce the concepts we are learning. This may be an American video. I notice her "rule of thumb" is just a bit different from the one we learn in Canada.

Turn on subtitles and maximize the window. You can also slow down her rate of speech, remember?

Here is another good video:

This video addresses whether cooking fruits and veggies kills the vitamins.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Calcium and Vitamin D

Hello, students!

We are starting our module on calcium and vitamin D. This will be followed by a module on reading nutrition labels.

This short video explains vitamin D and calcium absorption.

Watch this video. What is the doctor's message? Can you remember how to turn on subtitles? He speaks clearly and slowly.

Here are the 10 foods highest in vitamin D.

How can you get calcium without eating dairy products?

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

We Visited Hospice

Hello, students!

This week we took a field trip. We rode the city bus to Rivard and Tecumseh. From there, we walked for 15 minutes to reach the Hospice. It was not raining, but it was chilly.

Everyone reported having learned something new and surprising. You told me you were very impressed by the team of dedicated, compassionate staff and volunteers who keep hospice running. I think a lot of minds were changed when it comes to thinking about death, talking about it, and considering hospice care as an option for ourselves or our friends and loved ones.
at the bus terminal