Wednesday, May 24, 2017

We Can Bargain at a Yard Sale

Here is the audio file for the listening assessment (if you have issues with Flash, try using MS IE instead of Chrome).

Audio recording and upload >>

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Our Ping-pong Field Trip

Tareq is a celebrity now! His face was spread all across the front page of the Windsor Star today.

I hope this link to the video remains valid for several months. I'm sure you would like to alert your friends back home that you were in the news.

Today we wrote a Language Experience Approach book to capture our experience and turn it into a way to learn language. For the rest of the week, we will work with the grammar and vocabulary in this story.

Monday, May 1, 2017

The Internet Can Help Us

Hello, students!

This tour of the brain may help us.

Here is a TED talk that will help us. Turn on subtitles to help you understand.

Sandrine Thuret: You can grow new brain cells.