Hello, class!
You didn't get to these links last week because of the school survey. They are still here!
Bonnie from Canadian Hearing Society came and gave us a one-hour presentation.
This week you told me you want more information about hearing aid brands, where each is manufactured, which are the best, and how long rechargeable batteries can last. Below please find some short, simple videos to help you understand more about these topics.
In January, Bonnie will return on two days for your screenings. We have prepared for her visit by learning to read the screening form and practicing following the verbal directions she will give you when she administers your screening.
We also now know how to read a hearing aid bill of sale or invoice and receipt.
ReSound is the manufacturer of my hearing aids. Here is their YouTube channel.
Miracle Ear is a hearing aid manufacturer. They have a lot of video ads that are cute.
What are "real ear measures?"
Pick the best hearing aid
Don't forget that you can make the video SLOWER. You can turn on Closed Captioning.
If you are not at school on Friday after break, have a good weekend.
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