Monday, July 19, 2010

Voiceless TH

Hello, students!

Today we talked about voiced and voiceless sounds. We said that we all have an organ in our throats called a larynx. That is the medical word for it. Most people just say "voice box."

Inside your voice box there are vocal cords. When you talk, they vibrate. Guitar strings also vibrate to make sound.

We do not use our voice for all sounds. As an example, we talked about Florin's name. We do not use our voice when we say the F in his name. F is a voiceless consonant. We use our voice for all vowels. We use our voice for the rest of his name: L-O-R-I-N.

Put your fingers on your throat and feel the vibration. You can't feel any vibration when you whisper.

What are some voiced consonant sounds? How about:

/b/ /d/ /g/ /v/ /z/ /ʒ/ /dʒ/ /l/ /m/ /n/ /r/ /w/ and /y/.

What are the voiceless consonant sounds? They are:

/p/ /t/ /k/ /f/ /s/ /ʃ/ /h/ and /tʃ/.

Don't worry, you don't have to remember all of that now. We will talk more about this on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Today we practiced the voiceless 'th' sound. This is the sound in the words: thin, think, thanks, thirsty and Thursday. Can you think of some more?

After some exercises repeating the words orally, we worked in pairs. Ina and Florin used the exercises for Romanian speakers. Annonciata helped Wen do the exercise for Mandarin speakers since Jin Long was not in class. Angela and Ana did the exercises for Spanish speakers.

Bashar and Lina said they have the -th- sound in their dialect of Arabic. That's great! They were able to help out with the class. Layla came late, but Bashar got her up to speed. Thanks, Bashar!

We practiced the /θ/ sound in a dialogue, first as a class and then in pairs. Finally, we practiced the sound with a partner by correcting some false statements.

Partner A said: "There are 500 metres in a kilometre."
Partner B said: "Are there? I thought there were 1000."

You can say the correction two ways. "I think there are 1000 metres in a kilometre." Or: "I thought there were 1000 metres in a kilometre."

It was fun! On Tuesday we will work with the voiced -th- sound, /ð/.

Oh, did you watch the video of this funny teacher yet? He exaggerates the TH sound.

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