Sunday, July 6, 2014

Summer English Lesson #5 - Small Talk

How's it going? Have you struck up a conversation with a stranger in pubic yet?  I hope so!  Please leave a comment here when you achieve this goal.

Here are some lessons and ways to practice to get ready.

Randall's Listening Lab has a lesson on small talk HERE.

Here's a good video about small talk.

Please practice small talk this week when you are in public.

You can compliment someone on a pretty blouse or nice watch.

You can admire a beautiful baby.

You can ask a dog owner about his/her dog.

You can comment upon the weather.

You can ask, "Are you following the World Cup?"  "Which team are you rooting for?"

Please leave a comment after you do the lesson.



  1. My teacher Kelly, good night!
    I already read the lessons:Summer English Practice #1, #2, #3 and #4. These are useful practices.
    Due to do much housework during beginning days of the summer holiday, I was not able to speak and listen these sentence. After some days I shall be able to go outside to practice the content.
    I think if we study teacher's lessons ,we can get a big progress.
    I like these teachings.
    Thank you very much!
    Good luck!
    I am Miaojuan. I think a lesson per week is better for our senior in summer.

    1. Miaojuan, Thank you for leaving a comment. I'm happy to hear that you plan to practice out in public later. Let me know how it goes! K

  2. Hello Kelly,
    I really like the lesson, Small Talk. It is very useful in our everyday life. I will continue to work on the lessons. Thank you.
    Have a nice day,
    Weiying Jin

    1. Weiying, Thank you for leaving comments about your progress. I'm glad you think the lessons are useful for everyday life. Cheers! Kelly
